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We will get in touch with you if we have any questions.

Cancellation Policy

  • We require confirmation of your appointment two times, the day before and the day of the appointment. If we cannot reach you by phone, text, or email, we reserve the right to cancel your appointment.
  • To help you remember your appointment, we will send you a reminder text 7 days prior to your scheduled appointment.
  • If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, we kindly ask that you provide us with at least 24 hours’ notice. This allows us to offer the appointment time to another patient who may be waiting to be seen.
  • We offer a 10-minute grace period for late arrivals. If you arrive more than 10 minutes past your scheduled appointment time, we may need to reschedule your appointment, as we cannot guarantee availability beyond this period.
  • While we understand that unforeseen circumstances can arise, if you repeatedly cancel appointments with less than 24 hours’ notice or fail to show up for appointments, we may have to limit our ability to schedule future appointments with you.